Resolving conflicts, for example in climate policy, first requires agreement on the basic facts. To this end, the United Nations established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) back in 1988, whose reports form the scientific basis for decisions under the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
However, the public climate debate is often completely detached from what is known and discussed in expert circles. It is heavily influenced by targeted disinformation, well-paid lobbying, populist politicians and media with a political agenda that is often owned by the super-rich.
There is therefore a huge disconnect between the expert discussion and the public debate on climate science and solutions. With thirty years of experience both in climate research and in communicating with the public and politicians, Stefan Rahmstorf (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) will discuss the mechanisms of public debate using a number of examples.
Further information and registration for the event.
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